#conscience collective
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amourrencontreseduction · 3 days ago
2025 : Une année de renouveau spirituel pour la France ?
Au-delà des aspects politiques et sociaux, la lecture de tarot pour 2025 évoque également une dimension spirituelle. Les cartes semblent indiquer un réveil des consciences et un renouveau des valeurs. Un retour aux sources Les Français pourraient être amenés à se reconnecter à leurs racines, à leurs traditions et à leur spiritualité. La recherche de sens et de transcendance deviendrait une quête…
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dandanjean · 3 months ago
Pas l’indifférence
Il arrive que nous choisissions de nous retirer chez soi afin d’éviter de rompre notre paix, notre équilibre. Il faut reconnaître que les gens violents ne sont pas si nombreux, mais ils occupent beaucoup d’espace. Pour la plupart, nous partageons le besoin de vivre notre vie en paix, de réaliser nos activités quotidiennes, nos aspirations privées et nos projets créatifs, que ce soit par la…
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consultationmarketing · 4 months ago
Restons optimistes, envers et contre tous.
Je ne sais pas si tu es comme moi, mais depuis quelque temps, je constate que le vent peut tourner de bord très rapidement dans le paysage politique et économique. J’en prends pour exemple la course à la présidence des États-Unis qui est passée d’une réelle ambiance d’enterrement pour les démocrates à une ambiance d’effervescence et d’espoir en moins d’un mois avec l’arrivée de Kamala. Nous…
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pizzabox-box · 2 months ago
Had this strange dream where a 3D figure of Peppi-no's form mere moments before he bit off Peppino's head rotated in palms of my hands like a collectable figure/trophy. While a deep booming voice echoed through the space. Something like this:
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Wasn't scary or anything, just really surreal.
I dream of pizza tower related stuff very rarely but when I do it's always the most bizzare unhinged stuff: Fake Pep in Tesco asking me for my clubcard , Noisette that could transform into hyperrealistic pink sport car (???) or Peppino lost in an infinite shopping mall giving out autographs to those who could find him, but before anyone could find him he retired and didn't give out autographs anymore....
The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
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eduobsessed · 1 month ago
maybe it's just me but i found the optics of "abled man tells disabled man he shouldn't try to overcome the difficulties put in his way by a deeply ableist context and should just 🌈love himself🌈 instead" a bit weird ngl ((and i say that as someone who enjoys viktor and jayce equally i'm not a jayce hater))
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Okay, but what if the entire Cang Qiong mountain turns into silent hill post-PIDW.
Decades after Shen jiu died and the burning of the sect, Luo Binghe, Ning Yingying, Liu Mingyan, and perhaps even Qiu Haitang, visit the burnt husk of what was once Cang Qiong. Only to find themselves trapped in a hell of their own making. Forced to confront their guilt and feelings about the downfall of both the sect and the world they all had a hand in ruining.
Forced to face hard truths about both themselves, and that perhaps everything they thought they knew wasn't entirely true.
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nando161mando · 6 months ago
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“I meant your collective conscience. You know, the status quo.”
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knickknackgalore · 21 days ago
Star Trek 25th Anniversary Series 1, Card #25
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tankgotstuckinthecircusgate · 2 months ago
im so weak someday ill draw imprisoned carlo from don henry au
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sundevours · 6 months ago
[Tagged by @cannibal-of-god who has amazing music taste]
List your top 5 albums from your top 5 artists (can't have a repeat of the same artist) on a poll, so your followers can vote which album they think captures your vibe the best.
@cannibal-of-god I hadn't listened to Starset or Drab Majesty until today and I'm in love, so good <3
I'll send an open invite to all of my mutuals if anyone would like to do this, consider yourself tagged✌️
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bubmyg · 9 months ago
idk how to word this but the person who had no problem giffing yoongi sobbing through one of his most heartbreaking songs talking about consumerism is. hilarious to say the least
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dandanjean · 10 months ago
Conscience collective
Avez-vous déjà vécu une expérience où tous les membres d’un groupe réuni dans une même pièce ne faisaient plus qu’un ? Vous savez, lorsque tout le monde est axé sur ce que nous devons faire, il y a de l’entraide, il y a de l’écoute, il y a de l’attention, il y a absence d’opposition malgré un sain questionnement. On a l’impression que nous ne réagissons plus aux personnalités individuelles, nous…
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consultationmarketing · 5 months ago
La mémoire, ça sert à oublier…
Cela fait un bon moment que ce billet me trotte dans la tête. J’imagine que tu as lu et peut-être relu le titre pour t’assurer d’avoir bien compris. En effet, ça paraît paradoxal de parler de mémoire et d’oubli dans la même phrase. J’ai eu la même réaction la première fois que j’ai pris connaissance de ce texte écrit par Arthur Koestler tiré de son livre « Le cheval dans la locomotive : le…
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year ago
IF team snakemouth had a Minecraft hobby, how would be their playstyles?
You are asking the wrong person. Hold on let us redirect this to the experts @boiledegghole @danspectorboy
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(transcript below cut)
Two screenshots of Discord conversations with boiledegghole and danspectorboy.
boiledegghole: ok so.
i think i have a friend who plays exactly how i feel like vi would play
she would be like "adventure time" and travel thousands of blocks out for no reason. and shed invite people all the time like "adventure?"
once i accepted my friends invite to adventure and i ended up accidentally being in 3 vcs at once so i was minecraft catatonic for most of the travel, in which he dragged me around in a boat. by the time i escaped my mind hell he was gone and i was in the middle of fucking nowhere
leif would go fucking nuts on the redstone. i think he would be decent at building as well. but hed be a Fucking Nerd about redstone
kabbu i think would like caving. he would have a humble house but hed easily be the richest person on the server. he probably has a dedicated side house for his horse
danspectorboy: Kabbu likes grinding for items and may have crashed their server by sheer quantities of animals. Leif likes to explore and probably doesn't know how crafting works. Vi tries to build farms and none of them work . Probably turns creative mod on and pretends to have gotten the items legitimately. NONE of them know how to build so they live on a dug out cave with like. Three beds by the entrance and a two by one tunnel that runs in front of incredibly disorganised chests and kabbus mine entrance (he digs straight down)
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gourde · 11 months ago
Just to clarify, I don't hate Palworld just cause it's clear a fair amount of the designs are stolen assets/AI generated, it's also cause it's got racist adjacent content. That bothers me the most, really. And also people saying "It isn't confirmed that the designs are AI generated" when ummm. Just look at them. There is near no thought put into them with random little "bits" slapped onto them for detail. It's just marketable. That or they steal fan designs. Also the developers previous projects include NFTs and unfinished games, one of which being a BOTW clone. Like IDK the game may be fun but I wouldn't want to support it at all???? I don't get people ignoring all this just cause it's "fun" and 4chan levels of edgy.
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multifandombullshitbabes · 8 months ago
Merlin has infact scammed the knights out of their money more than once over the years to the point where he was banned from gambling with them by Arthur due to the amount of complaints he got from the knights
well of course this makes perfect sense, its just a bit naive that you'd think money was the only think merlin was scamming the knights for
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